Establish a single trusted master view of your data to power business processes

The ability to effectively harness data across your diverse business systems to create a single master view, is critical to the success of digital initiatives such as cross sell, product publishing or regulatory compliance.

MDM is the practice of defining and maintaining consistent definitions of business entities, then sharing them via integration techniques across multiple IT systems within an enterprise and sometimes beyond to partnering companies or customers. Typical examples of Master Data include Customers, Employees, Suppliers, Parts, Products, Locations, Contact Mechanisms, Profiles, Accounting Items, Contracts, Policies.

Ascention delivers Master Data Management outcomes that are focused on our clients’ current key business drivers. We utilise leading technologies that provide additional flexibility to expand across multiple domains as those priorities shift.

Master Data Management


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“Master data management (MDM) is critical to achieving effective information governance.”

Source: Gartner Inc.